Sub-project of CASC Project
USGS CASC have their own metadata requirements. If your project is a sub-project of a CASC project, complete a unique metadata record with the following requirements. Products of a sub-project can be entered as described in Product Entry Guidance.
If the SA and CASC contributions cannot be teased apart into project and sub-project, then follow the co-funded protocol instead.
Main/Points of Contact
Add the CASC as a “collaborator.”
Add the following text as the last sentence:
“This project is a sub-project of the [X] Climate Adaptation Science Center project described here [insert hyperlink to CASC ScienceBase URL].”
Example: “This project is a sub-project of the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center project described here.”
Metadata/Metadata Contacts
Default is USFWS, if Service is lead on the project, as “publisher.”
Collaborating CASCs do not need to be listed here.
Since the CASC metadata is outside the SA communities in ScienceBase, you must manually associate the CASC projects both in the mdEditor Associated tab and directly in ScienceBase.
Associations in mdEditor
Manually associate the CASC project as a “subProject” relationship in the Associated tab.
Populate the association type as “subProject”.
Enter the appropriate resource type.
Copy the CASC’s project title to the title field.
Enter the CASC as the “administrator” in the Responsible Parties section.
Add the CASC ScienceBase item URL in the Online Resource field. This is important to provide discovery and access to items outside of the SA Science Catalog.
Add the ScienceBase Identifier of the CASC project.
The CASC associated items will not appear in the Science Catalog as standalone items, but will appear as links in SA records in the Science Catalog. The assumption here is that the sub-project metadata contains all SA-relevant information and contributions and the CASC project record is essentially not needed.
Associations in ScienceBase
The only associations that ScienceBase currently recognizes from mdJSON are parentProject/product relationships. ScienceBase will not recognize the “subProject” association created in mdEditor, so this association must be added directly in ScienceBase.
Log in to your ScienceBase account to edit the appropriate ScienceBase item.
Click “Associate an Item” from the right side column of the ScienceBase page.
Add a “subprojectOf” association to the CASC ScienceBase item.
Last updated
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